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All barcodes are available by immediate digital download.

Click on the links below where you can download all items including UPC and/or EAN barcode graphics, spreadsheet of all of your barcode numbers, certificate of authenticity and instructions (READMEFIRST.pdf)

You will also receive an email where you can download this at leisure. This information will only be available for 60 days. Be sure you download all of the items and keep them in a safe place.

Information about your order.

The certificate of authenticity is for your records and shows only the first 11 digits (UPC) or 12 digits (EAN). On the certificate, the final number is indicated by (x). The exact number is on the Excel XLS file and on the barcode graphic files (both the file name and the graphic).

UPC Barcodes contain 12 numbers and EAN contain 13. UPCs are used in the United States and Canada, EANs are used elsewhere. The only difference between the EAN and the UPC is the leading zero indicating a country code. UPCs do not show the country code as they are only used in North America.

Please double check your order when you download it. If there is any discrepancy with your order contact us right away.

Status of your order: Ready for download

Your Order#: 1787
Your Name: test test
Your Email:
Order quantity: 1 barcodes

Certificate of Authenticity
XLS list of EAN and UPC barcode numbers

Support and Resource Guide
Barcode Graphics (zipped):

If you are directed here and you do not see download links, please verify with PayPal or your Credit Card Processor to see if payment went through.

If there are no download links, please contact us to verify that your order did not go through.


Thank you.