Nationwide Barcode/ recommends Foodlab, Inc Over 1000 Companies trust FoodLab with their food products.
Using FoodLab is the fastest way to get nutritional facts Their Nutritional Analysis process allows you to submit products electronically and receive FDA compliant nutrition facts that are ready to cut and paste onto your food label design in as little as three to five days. Incredible Value Order one Retail Product Kit and get each additional Kit for only $64.95 on similar products. Includes Nutrition Facts, Ingredient Statement and allergen Statement. Restaurant menu nutrition disclosures are $95.00 per menu item, including all subrecipes. For more information, please contact 1-855-FOODLAB or (let them know you are a Nationwide Barcode Client) OR fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page. Download Order Form Contact Form for more information Retail Product Kit Nutritional Facts Ingredient Statements (including Allergens) Nutritional Analysis (100g) Restaurant Menu Nutrition Analysis Compliance Review and Regulatory Support Professional Consultation Rush Orders
Retail Product Kit $199 per product – Similar products $64.95
- Nutrition Facts Formatted Label – (ready to cut-n-paste)
- Ingredient Statement
- Allergen Declaration
- Serving size determination
- Servings per container determination
Additional Fees – Processing charge for specialty ingredients $9.95 (these are ingredients that we are not likely to have information for. i.e. special sauces, flavoring mixes, artisan breads, etc…) – Extra serving and package sizes of same product $19.95 – Minor changes to products already completed (other flavors etc…) $64.95
Nutritional Facts (Formatted Label) $119.00 per product and only $44.95 for each similar product
- Nutrition Facts Formatted Label – (ready to cut-n-paste)
- Serving size determination
- Servings per container
Additional Fees – Processing charge for specialty ingredients (one time per ingredient) $9.95 – Extra serving and package sizes of same product $19.95 – Minor changes to products already completed $44.95 – Prepare Compliant Nutrition facts from existing data you supply $44.95
Ingredient Statement $95.00 per product and only $44.95 for each additional similar product
- Ingredient Statement
- Allergen Declaration
Additional Fees – Specialty and multi-component ingredients billed at higher rate +$9.95 and up each – Minor changes to products already completed $44.95
Nutrition Analysis $119.00 per product and only $44.95 for each similar product
- Detailed nutritional profile – per serving or per 100g
Additional Fees – Processing charge for specialty ingredients (one time per ingredient) $9.95 – Additional reports i.e Extra serving and package sizes $19.95 – Minor changes to products already completed $34.95 This Nutritional Analysis per 100 grams is appropriate for food manufacturers that need to offer nutrition information to their customers and do not need a formatted nutrition facts panel for their food label. It is presented as a report and will include the 14 mandatory nutrients (unless otherwise specified).
Restaurant Menu Nutritional Analysis $95.00 per menu item. We wanted to make pricing easy to understand for restaurants. Simply count the menu items listed on your menu and multiply by $95.00. For a formal quote you may send us a copy of your menu.
- Analysis on all sub-recipes to make up menu item.
- Recipe Cards for each recipe analyzed with Nutrition Info.
- Spread Sheet with rounded and unrounded values for each menu item.
Additional Fees – Sides and toppings (that are not considered menu items) Processing charge for single ingredients with no recipe (vegetable toppings, generic sauces, etc…) $19.95 Processing charge for special ingredients with unique nutrition values (custom sauce for your restaurant, bread produced by thrid party, etc…) $34.95 – Future minor changes to menu items already completed $44.95
Preliminary Label Compliance Review $199.00 per product and $64.95 for each additional similar product submitted together
- FDA food label compliance review
Submissions must include food label artwork. A pdf label artwork proof is preferred.
One-Time Regulatory Support
Call or email for quote Guidance for a specific FDA food or supplement related issue or question
Professional Consulting Hourly Rate – $199.00/hr
Rush Orders Billed at higher rate
- 24 hour + 100%
- 48 hour + 50%
3-5 day turnaround (in most cases) After required information and payment has been received
FoodLab Nutritional Facts
Thank you for your inquiry. Please fill out all the information below and FoodLab will contact you with more details.